
Cool Translation Tools

There are constantly new and amazing applications being developed for cell phones. Some of them are simple games for entertainment, while others are incredibly practical. Among the useful apps there exist many profoundly helpful language apps. Whether your needs lie in translation or spellchecking, there’s an app for that. Technology never ceases to impress.
One of my favorite apps is the WhiteSmoke Blackberry App. This application checks the spelling and grammar in your Blackberry email compositions. We’ve all read about embarrassing and job-threatening mistakes caused by not taking the time to proofread properly. For example, in December an Australian teacher emailed a progress report to the parents of a student riddled with abundant spelling mistakes. She told them that their daughter is “a good role modal” although her “attenance is low”, among many other atrocious errors. Obviously this reflected poorly not only on the teacher, but on the school as well. The WhiteSmoke Grammar Checker scans for content related errors in addition to simple spell-checking. Given how easy it is to slip up when typing on a cell phone, the WhiteSmoke Blackberry App is definitely a must.
Another cool new app for the iPhone is Word Lens. This fascinating application scans text and translates it from Spanish to English (and vice-versa). The app uses the iPhone’s camera lens to scan the text, and translates it instantaneously, no internet connection necessary. Translation software such as WhiteSmoke Translator is great, but is only for computers. Maybe one day they will expand to the iPhone as well. 

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